Accelerated systems
Day & Swing Trading
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  A neglected passion until I decided to "semi-exit" the rat race.

First project :  Changing station ( nothing unique ... but it was a joy to make)

Note:  Safety harness (like a seat belt) not installed when the above pictures were taken.

Material:  Pine from IKEA, darker wood on the cover is teak floorboard.

Construction: Front cover "dowelled" pine frame with teak in the centre.

2nd Project : Baby Chair  (inspired by the "commercially available ... what's the name ")

..hmm... those were nice jam tarts indeed ...

BIG Play Pen

Big enough to fit a super single mattress, strong enough to survive "robust" play ...

Super Single Bed

Material:  Recycled slat from an old fence.... de-nailed and milled to t&g floorboards.  Beautiful wood, unfortunately it had nail holes which needed to be filled (...tedious...)

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