Accelerated systems
Day & Swing Trading
Other Interests
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Update: June 2009
  I have completed the creation of my course which I have for want of a better name called "The Holistic Trader". This course is available only to those who have been introduced by friends.  To qualify for the course, applicants must :

  1. show some degree of maturity with respect to the market
  2. be realistic about the gains that can made (or loss)
  3. be aware of the amount of effort required to be successful in trading the market
There is a premium fee charged for the course with 50% of the fee being donated to a charity of the participants choice.

I have no intentions of "commercializing" the course as I have no intentions of making a living training. 

Work in Progress
  (Jan 2007)  I am in the process of developing a systematic approach to Day and Swing Trading on the Nasdaq and NYSE. I expect to complete the first part of this by year end 2008.

I am religiously recording ALL my trades as part of my learning/discovery process.  I have also documented at least 75% of the trades with screenshots of Intraday and Daily charts with comments on why I entered and exited the trades.  I am considering putting all my trades online as a learning/teaching tool.  Tutorials can then be written to introduce trade concepts and strategies and hyperlink them to these real trades.  This will hopefully be the basis for a "course" for wannabe traders sometime in the future.

No, it will NOT promise to make you an expert trader or a millionaire overnight, nor will it teach you a specific method to be successful in the market. It will make you a better trader who understands the psychology of chart patterns and the inner game of trading.

It will be about teaching one "how to fish ...  and not just how to catch a particular type of fish".

Why day and swing trading ?
  I find trading charts interesting and am fascinated by the "crowd behaviour" that determine their formation. I chose Day and Swing trading as I believe their shorter time frames allow me to experience the urgent emotions (fear/greed/denial etc) involved in the formation of the charts.

Recommended Reading

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